
When you becoming too fat too edgy.....your entire behavior, you didn't know what will end up. Its the same prosecution, your parents know you are in debts, or really needed that 2 cents on your Facebook profile photo. But then again, you saying the military laws, that will be the immediately excution. In case you didn't know that.

While you are in service.

But then again.....you had a military leash on your 15 years ago til when that is expired to make a drama while the whole stories on the monitor, you could just go straight to kill off the unpleasant anything I say.

The end of both life dead, will sound a much better case, how you suppose to be doing your jobs.

Then again....there is every reason you won't be getting a return call for any reason you are not suitable.

How you really know whom suppose to exist other than you?

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