
Maybe I give you some kind words about the real situation. These music are soft and gentle, only your parents are harsh and junks. You think your voice are small, so you are gentle.

The legal process how you being prosecuted that day on.....it will never ending going to the court, or you will be living inside the detain place. That entire process are legal system in your America, or in Taiwan or even in China 30 years ago.

That effects its real. There are a prosecution periods, that is before you going inside the jail for the rest of your life til when your parents dead.

You are squandle this you getting paid money or you saying you trying to save, rather than to do the right things.

And if that worsen day comes, your police has to tell you in certain words like, "Anything you make an account to them saying will be against you in the court."

Its better you listen up and shut up. 

Today is Sunday!

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