
Shut up! Birds.

On my Youtube Cpanel.

ET didn't specifically say, okay, say your legal court Judge saying, you all girls suffering to that emotion of that Movie screen were you better I worse scenario its a ....starting from the beginning, to that sympathy, they will tell you having a 4 bubble tea, a simple phrase of your afternoon every Saturday.

It will be how long? 30 years 52 weeks per year?

Make a quota, saying you asking the court to put you 4 togetherness, or whomever else, you have a mirror image, you try once, without the guy. 4 bubble tea, your court human seeing if they elevate your awareness, what you used to be in UB.

This time, my car Nissan Altima won't be there. You would remember me before. 

You all having a new envrionment for 16 long years, but Wei was part of it once or twice. I visit her once? At her work. You trying to make it once gather with Dennis.

I cannot leave my location, if you cannot keep hearing it like that Eben Human Pagan.

Kail says, maybe I should go to some museum, acquarian, or zoo around here like it will be in his new city.  There are City and urban rural places too in their New Worlds. I say I go to the Central. Where probably not exactly outskirts, too far from their main Castle or Residence....Palace too far.

People like me went through a lot of things in the last 10 years together.  Whatever told to me, shown to me, and make it another entry on all the movies, TV, and ...what songs? Love songs.


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