
Is Kitchen those things are the chemistry periodic Table Chart bind? Like a Material Science itself? Yes!

You are interested in a Material Science? That is not a norm major in America, isn't it? Its very known here. Technically I didn't think the Material Science would be at NASA. those are the Aero space department...its very very hard training and a lot of money spent it on One those flying up human - astronomer, uh....

When I was a kid, you imagine the book to NASA, the Star Galaxy, as I get in the middle school upwards, no more dream. You only go by the score to where you become the future.

In my life those time, I really need the space to breath from Elementary, I was very very exhausted all kinds of lessons. I don't really have an appearance to say....popularity demise, well, I didn't know the Volleyball can be a demise, now I know on JC video. The volleyball team only had one wall...for a long as you make it 100 times with the exactly position. I enter with zero background.

With Life you hope you have some name, some appearance, some black hair, to saying....you could not be caged....talking to anyone like a professor, or a mentor, if were.....those Era has no internet. If I knew this much of resources....

When I got confine, meaning cage in, I need a lot a lot a lot a lot of time to be left alone to think, re-think, re-think about life, which direction to go. You may not think about life like that. There were a lot of those other than the comic books, called self-improvement books. I also reading them. They not necessary advocate the school education. My entire time didn't have a freedom until High School.

1) That is a public school, no more money loads to my parents.

2) The school air....they really just let you doing whatever you do.  A lot of free SPACE and TIME. But its very very heavy if you don't make it in life, I remember I thought about it. 

That school is different from the First Lady School, more tree. We were at that corner, where there are Tree path, or the design.

You listen to the teacher, and you seeing all this school girls, just......so badly affected me probably. No one knows a thing about the future. My re-thinking, even I am confine, and they are not?! They can go to Taipei Station, without hiding.

I used to when I was so younger, I cannot breath, just standing in the middle of the road. going somewhere, That is why I have a roller blade. I go to where the Tree or Park at, no people. The girls mentality where Taipei Station is a lot of the guys okay?

Including the Cram school. I remember....

I remember all that. I do care somewhat. I was. 

What I didn't know back then, starting that middle school or High School was

1) You will forget anything you learn from the Textbook. For the time passing, these thing inside your brain will fade, if you become the 3 meals human after the University.

2) You fallen in love, you will lose all the memory too.

3) You NEVER never learn that stuffs at your brain level. You hard memorized it, and you take a test, you guess it, or you know it?

4) China stop cram school. My only thought would be, they target me, or?! I didn't go to cram school. My entire middle school, or high school, they go to cram school, it was already a private school very very expensive, meaning what do you do in the cram school? You study, you learn, you practice the material, I never had.

5) I see certain thing, when you become very very vulnerable. I stop.

There are something very very wrong, in the people's brain, I can tell you that.

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