
Birds were saying no chips, so I went to ask my mother getting some European these thin....afternoon tea, next by, thin thin cookies, it has chocolate in it. I bite on it.

This is sweets....

I forget, the chips were the salty side, yam chips. These are thick paste, well, slightly gluey inside in between 2 layers. The other waffle stick, also have the chocolate, but they are not the paste....its lightly chocolate, that is probably sweet to. But this is....very sweet. I don't like it. 

Its a long time i didn't eat this thing. I have another box, the Soda crackers. I try another time.

No, I know what that is. These sugar the first stop will get to the blood stream, the first thing its your brain fuzz. I drink a lot of the water down, for that one ....chocolate paste in between this.

You can google it:


 Its inside my brain right now.  I need a lot of water. Those goes very very fast.

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