
I know whom Amal is, and the Tickets to Parasite, the Trailer, they commercial on the Youtube. George Clooney, how funny, when he got married, it was Keanu those 3+1 human at on the stage....guess whom their faces were.

She is 44? And Prince 2 wifes are below that article, they acquire a Chinese Billionaire housing plan in Australia, didn't they finish the movie? 

Middleton is 40

Meghan is 41

And Lauren would be 37 +8=45

I am 39 half way through, you cannot possibly don't remember math from 2018, April to Oct, just happening to be now, its 6 months. 

My bad mood starting this morning with the police guard dog, those vicious looking. Right now its outside my window saying "Between my mother and me, there is a smaller thing"

2 big birds + one swallow. Let me guess, Olaf? 

Shut up! (Birds)

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