
You say ...

"I always want my mother to be part of everything I do. Every basketball drive up to the site to compete with others. Everything I perfect try out, she will be there every single second. I demand that to God, I am like that. It has to be every court in the competition grounds, that suits to me my heart. I have a lot of the objection to Gods. I am. There is a lot of unfair things I always see. The father beside a daughter, a mother beside a kid and I have none supportive. I need the parents to be agreeing to me, not my sibling. They are nuisance, I hate them. I hate them to die, to the pieces of that red river end just like my birth right meant it. My parents has to comply to my every wish or else, my saying would be them too. And I am targeting to that my father end, no matter what. He dropped me on purpose. My living worlds has to be perfect, or else I cannot breath on it. Its abnormal, but its real. Its very sensicile feeling every single day on, living right inside of me, how I think, how I wish to say, how I wish to kill. Those are the real feeling inside me. They are moving as I move my life. "

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