
You know that Middleton enduring the first day including someone sleeping next to her, to all those grocery shopping to all those cooking hard works, its one day those borrowing crown jewels to sit on her head.

Otherwise she cannot explain to her parents, her sibling, proven it, she is better one, not the chosen one. The better one. 

Including her entire team, she one day invited them to the palace, to tour around, having one day, she has something feeling like a college, everyday, she has to public display waving, speech, practice on rehearsal including the handicap of the wheel chair, single leg, single arm, everything spells her misery....and her husband hair shame, whatever that means.

One day that Markle came alone, all that nightmare were not told, as if it keep unfolding itself.

They moving not once to London, Twice ending up at the West, to no more staff, she will be solely responsible 3 kids crying, attention, and one guy does nothing for the future....waiting. Her purpose shatter every degree to even curse on someone's wedding, its very evident, she meant there was a purpose from that every photo shown the TV journalists put together on her.  Those crown are free land, to land on her head. 

You can tell, she is pushing it...no matter whom, she pushing it her plans with her that small tiny voice...that is whom she is. If her life becoming a failure, its all the resentament, why she born 3 kids, she could have been free.....She wants another life, if this one meant completely no hope.

So why doesn't she just open her mouth to go to the Congress and ask? Because....she keep imagining that day will come. 

You can tell they moving things, one bit by one bit. Slowly, and in progression.  She could just stand up for Prince William to the Congress, you meant he supposes to replace all of them jobs, Now! They are too old ~~~~!! She waiting that public to someone saying all that loud to everyone, she cannot wait she cannot wait, or else, in this speed of moving things, you are not saying its all plan, plot, put into an exacutive plan? 

Markle has a dad, for some good nature, she probably were told by him, or he will find ways saying certain things to her. He is an American, I can see that. But that Connie, or Middleton, the far away that daddy never come to knock the door, to how far they suppose to be apart, not to spell that suspicition of those small tiny things in her head, she never meant they getting one single favor, for...her days its more important. 

You know what I mean? She is a person that has a agenda, but has no personality what to do, in order to

In order to

In order to.....

There are brains that required if you sit in that overall places, you cannot see, and watch what to do? "Hey Dad, come over here for a second, tea afternoon, you show up? "

You all girls similar to that one Middleton's age. Similar to her, she has no career at all. Those things she did if she knows what she does, maybe she will never do a thing starting from the beginning.....

You trying to survive, and this Era has a digital format online. Meaning you are more hopeful than your parents age, those are very very struggling and scary. You are not that old yet, to lose every hope, saying, do something and learn those language. 

I will just tell you, at that court, if you be honest to the judge or the jury, why you really want to stab him Chris, 400 millions stabs, you should talk clearly, every word. You are not necessary will be jailed, but you might seeing a psychiatry to make you feeling better. A lot of girls hate the guys, they are. Not just your case, but if you having someone professional working it out per statement saying how you ending up having all the beliefs, someone targeting at you, hurt your feeling, small tiny, getting the help from the professional, I think you will benefit greatly.

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