
Are you getting short cut imagining what you ought to be doing? Yes, you are.

You probably getting all the pictures wrong. 

You are planning something, for a month....and suddenly vola, why you are a vegetarian?

Are you normal? You know you are not. Some human forgotton your existence the moment you walking out of the door, the girls like you have no future speaking stuffs. You think about certain things, and you show up Taiwan. I don't have a friend for a very very very long time, you don't know that? I never had a personal friend speaking....

You want to write it down, not just thinking about it? Writing it clearly your statement, you are feeling this, you are feeling that, you cannot take this, you cannot take that. 

I know Connie better, you all just about looking 1 and 2 and 3, all about the same looking to me everywhere. Connie is highly competitive to one human in front of her, Mimmo. She doesn't appreciate he becomes better, she is jealous he gets ahead tiny extra. 

 "There are certain things bothered me in the high school, I understand them when I gone to UB. Its always been demonstrate things including after UB, at Ub from the television, its everything I done wrong. I hate to be portrait like that. Not the high school, not the beauty and the beast, not that UB voka, not on the Victoria Secrets, and certainly never a Vartan has an argument with Anna. Dean and her fall off. "

You stand up, raise up your voice, say all these words out. Feeling anything better?

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