

Which form I suppose to be?

Tea? Eat yet?

I have made some of these stuffs, the tea is hot. Sit.

Have you been to this part of the country before? How familiar you have heard of Made in Taiwan?

... ... ...

So you graduate from? Pardon me, I didn't read clear on the wiki....you were a theater and a communication major? I have a friend in the communication major, her name is Melinda, and I took one inter-personal relationship, for my Pre-Pharm major under the Chemistry. B.A.

You like the major?

How is your friends and all those hearing you to your new life this far? Like Middleton life, I assuming, or you two ever connected? Before?


So there is a Sorority. My brother its in one of those like your, I join a service Fratenity, its a co-ed, they all becoming very fatty these days. You eating anything in the afternoon, you coming alone, or someone attached to you behind?


No, you can tell him to wait until I finish with you.


There is an ending song on the Princess Dairy 2....its on. You sing? You were teens?


You graduating like in 2007? So since then, you becoming re-located in Toronto? When did you move to Canada, you can stay in Canada? You like it? They are speaking English.


So in your school, what do you do beside 2 majors, and a very mindful activities Rush in those events you dress up, and not the Women's study? Anyone you know they were your Sorority does the women's study? 


Is the school work heavy loads, to all these engaged activities in those schooling time? Beside the major you make a double.


You didn't go to work, how do you pay for the school, out-state, or that is a private university?

And you never thinking of getting a Master degree?  And you step into the work forces, you like the jobs, you like the story, or you like the pay?


People dressing up for many occasion, I am too old for this. My traveling too often in Canada, its whom those border and I, the passport, whom sees whom just opposite to each other interests starting the first day on....I was getting a citizen, and it was one summer, I cannot stop passing back and forth, I was that insane. Getting old to this far, I just rather sitting down drinking tea, you like these snack I make? Food, what do you usually eat to keep the body fit?

Green smoothie you really drinking it down, or you swallowing it down?

..... ... ....

No, I just care too much that texture, I couldn't really taken all that concentrating feeling, but I heard about it. I read about it, I always know about it. You buying them in the Kensington market? Toronto always been very expensive, but they had a market, most people know where you went or I guessing they knew by now what that is, or you assuming I don't know what that is?

.... ......

You traveling and re-locating since your university time, you ever feel to having a home somewhere you really feeling it, all these year up and down, going all around? Cleaning a room, never yours, as a lady? You lived at the sorority house? On campus or off campus?


You ever thought about those life, missing, cared, or contact to?


No, you can tell me. What happened about the public becoming your zero idea him them where?


Do you always pay the bill after the school, your loans, your expense, to all those maintaining the social network in the complicate world like those Simon, social engagement, is that expensive?

Yeah?! I have a gift for you, or if you brought someone behind, I have something later. You want to drink some tea, warm, or you want to re-filled it?

... ... 

I always wonder how you becoming the center of the attention, your both parents reacts upon just everywhere everything this far, they worried? Yeah?

... ...

I bought some tea, these might be something nice gifting bags, not a lot.....Do you have a sibling, or you are one kid in the house?


And I read you were taking an exam, how funny, I thought I seen something on the TV too....I cannot remember clearly....you were wanting to go for that US department things, or you were determined, to decide which career jobs options you wish to get in? So how does this acting becoming the later options? You like the jobs, you read the script and memorize all the time?


You feeling a lot of attention to that camera flash, and everyone most are the guys photographer? And you??? Always exist as the sweet heart, can you see them from the darkness?


We used to do this one day photo shooting, very expensive....10 hours,....as a kid.


You trying a lot of this acting career in America only, or that is what they say you gone to Canada, Toronto?


You away from.....home, you feeling anything different at Toronto, to where....you will be at NU Illonis? You away from home since the college time, you ever wish you go back to home, where is your original home from? You breathing to move, or you could suspend the bill, you feeling that was going to be your permanent staying in Canada? How did you staying there, with the Visa? I mix up I thought you were the canadian.


You read the fashion magazine? You subscribe to them, or you have to purchase with your own money?


What do you usually do with your girlfriends, or your new made friend in Toronto? They are real to you? In a general terms? 


Toronto is a very very bad traffic ...every town lower to upper extention, we never made it out of the Vanghan, to when he begins, we sit in those light on hold. You heard about the Los Angele was a mayor, that from Hollywood...Shawsnagua? They implementing a new traffic System to the downtown Los Angeles, I been there once for Simon Cowell, trying the audition American Got Talent, it was a very smooth leaving the ground. Very smooth.


You know the guy Mathrew Ms Coanghey? He is running this Texas Mayor too. 


Do you read your own wiki? No, I didn't contribute that.

Meaning, you had an interest in the political, they say they write, so I assuming you might be aware a friend of mine gossip gone to Texas too. One day that facebook Adam Levine, fake profile, told me, he was also relocating in Texas, so I told the mlilitary human....before they ever touch down, from that leaving vacancy place Eastern Coastline of America, they will be.....passing by. No one hearing this, you will be hearing it for the first time.


Do you have any questions to ask me, anything written?

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