
I see....that is talking to Mia? Whom, which Mia? You want to read something more like the real reality? How you interprete that movie? I was file-ing for nick, about 2 hours ago, I am abscent.

You read it, and you think about what the movie really says to you.

" The one that indicators a lot of things behind my mother's throat, or your ...getting up every two second to annoying me, are birds. 

Birds are Gods. Birds God, Earth God, Earthly mother.

You just tell the court, deep down, at the buttom of your soul, you like the flare of perfect life in monitization of flashy presentation, including ego structure of all things to your favor. Never birds, never co-inhabitnat, never your vow in the past, never anything derived a tiny merits from that Past assoication. 

You jealous, you envy, you have karma.

When the Lords or the Gods, Birds gods saying you die, you just to go be dead.

The court is not God.

But truly you should just get things in order before you die.

Tell the court, your choice of life, never be near the water, never near the tree, never near the forest, where the wind, of that the earth bothering you the psychi, and you will be afriad, whichever that afraid points, you don't know how to describe the After world, or the judgement

You are not a decent inside, or outside through that the Birds conclude, including my mother

You against the Lords, or you meant you like the human crowd. You like human, you like the girls, you like the attention, you like the skill like you being trained, you like to show off. There is nothing wrong for which lifestyle things you choosen to be. Tell that to the court, they will fix it.

Tell them, to give you some nice clothes, you gonna try on, to walk anew this feeling, and you want to see what the Earth of the Birds Gods say.

Nice things feeling to test out, why God being Gods has a say. Not the human world say. Your responsiblity were never atune to God, forever....

AT the crucial moment, you ruin things.

That is very very karmic in that end, to becoming what you are today. All that are given by God, all that are oversees by God, and all that given by the Lords, were writteini inside your Bible, you ought to cherish that every word, for some World never meant to even hear a word on the carbon dated paper, to print it out One Word. To that cherish of the human body, you feel your internal, and these Gods or the Birds meant if they train you, the same way, they will terminate you, the way you cannot imagine things, whatever the encouragement of life that given you the Breath of God, the life forces to today how you continue to do the wrong.

You go to the court, with that saying, you wish to add this part all these for my mother, Anna write all these, so you have the revelation about your life this far.

You say, you want to seek out the asylum. Meaning refugee away from the birds, or the Earthly terminating Time, that will be a table of 4 whom speaking Italian or English, these happy human life, never pet, never birds,, never them. You didn't do it because eternity you vow for their physical comfert. They all die horribly, or hungry, or standing in the night until their jobs be done. Starting at their birth right. To that tiny merits they shelter you all your life, including all those Water, Air, Wind, the elements of all that guardian of the High sphere, you do not appreciate your life this far, how the cancer be free, how the jobs arrive here. You have gaining from them, to misuse for the future, that will be just a tiny tiny request, away from them, a brand new life. And that life as far away as from them, you wish to know how long you can stay on the physical plane without them. Meaning, be free doing what you love to hurt, to becoming, your new born human attribute how you capapble to mis-use it, hurting my feeling, its your ultimate vow. To how long that human pity life will last you, you sitting among your favortie pride and the prejuice the human friends to determiine, how happy you should be, not how sad I will ever get jealous whom you becoming, what you will be, whom you were be, or what ultimate you will ever be. "

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