
I bought some eggs. You cook? You want to do something? I show you.

I have this kitchen counter made with.....someone install all this. These are not TV. The fire are the legal things, not those they make themselves to become the legand saying. I have a measuring cup, that is most human does on this planet, how do you usually cook an egg? You don't have to eat it if you don't want to?! : )  

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We do does this Korean egg breakfast, its for the display on a plate more like this white flat..... I prepare some chopped fresh made veggie to add in there. So normally this cooking pan its very heavy, you seeing this point to this point, its where the fire are not touched, We here Taiwan its the real fire, but America you will be using the electric.

Now, this point where if you seeing me doing this, you will be submerge this entire thing inside the fill tank up water, to where you turn on the facet to cooling off right here. The joint to the coating of this.....seemingly alumnium.

That was a joke.

Usually that was the material science human understand the cheap good made a flash, to say cheaper, or chisple...chip out the paint.

Don't worry about it, it won't scrap it. Its rusty, did i say that was a joke?

So you pre-heat this, and you mix these two combination to where you don't get too nerves of these turn, I have the drizzling part, you will be rolling them with the skills parts. Try? Ready?....I pouring in the buttom of the pan, you wait. Tell me when you think that should be roll up, I will pour another layers beneath it, you keep rolling it up.

Usually doing that 2 or 3 times, it is big enough rolls for one you, you are thin.

I gonna make one entirely, and you take to the outside that pathetical soul human? Asking him to coming in?

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