
It would be the UB System outside that line, one nick, one half that Eben or Craig....near by. No, not that SMCH. I told you that story, you meant I tell lies or something.

On the TV, says its a treaty or contract.

In my story, I say she was exile. I didn't think it was a treaty involved. 

No, you put the black hair on her.  I personally never get very close to the White White human from America. Nick was an Italian, to Canada. As a guy, to look at that blonde saying Vietanese, she did dress all that up, to look bright and shining. As a women, I see a blonde hair??? Its normal to me.

But for a guy, not even saying, if really finding out out, I telling lies or something her real real height. About 4 feet? Like one head half down from nick. 

The Vietanese people are bad people. Sayer he is not anything good himself, but his entire lab got stolen by that one vietanese guy. Personally I didn't have to go by the dream to join that saying SMCH groups up in Toronto. They have nothing but badness.

American the white race will tell you, how hateful its to Asian population too. Whatever that means. 

I personally don't need to get involved not your side, not their side. But I hear all that saying at it. My brother has nothing cared about other than his face, his car, his property, his house, how me and mother never got treated by him once, since he getting all those great money earning, he says he is the freedom right.

I guess that is what it takes as long as he finding the jobs for. He doesn't care Tina, not the kids, not I getting it hurt. Its all he ever cared, its his everything he can grab.

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