
If that evaluation process to the Flower Thousand Bones (2015), it has to go to the Court, I know the facts, doesn't mean I consciously getting hurt to know, she got jailed, and beocming all these flood.

I tell you the condition in Taiwan in the 90s.

She started in 1986.

There were other real classmate, not this Dr. Gabriel, or Bashar Aemrican Born Statues, human, white race....including whatever that Drama says.

She is a women too. 

So between the Man and Women statues....its very far off on that competition ground in the termiology. Now. If between them, someone got jailed, you abandom their profile. Its all bad.

When a legal system you have in this world, capable to finding the faults to why they sent to jail, not just small jail, the rest of your life jail, including those near by disciple,

One of her classmate name 宋七力

You can paste that documents at the Jailing records, their face, their religion practices to the First day they jailed, or the last day. The description on the wiki will tell you, its the disciples around wishing to live in? Luxury, so that becoming the all crime all going in.

As for the leadership might be being threaten or not capable....something might be linear, because those are very bad. The near by. Its the faces you don't see on the television. They jailed forever, I guess.

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