
In my country, or in America, there are a lot of people doing those psychi things. So yeah, not just the Metro Map, I don't dare to look at it, or anywhere in this entire worlds, you have no ideas how many things I am scared to see, know, hear about, for the sake of my own reasoning...

But let's say Eben shows up, I will ask him, what he thinks about this Zawanna, Kail or Ancient Chasez. I have heard, there are these people with the eyes they seeing things. Not like me....they actually seeing things. Even Keanu Reeves seeing the ghost coming in the room, he says one time on the Television show. 

Those guys, they sex people. In this world people gonna be put on the street, I am not sure why or how people imagine they have sex in life outside the church to making a jailing life.

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