
Welcome, boring outside?

So sit. I heat this up, while we both making you and you eat in front of you. I prepare this earlier, they are cheese with the bread with some mixture sounds like a little bit more than the Egg breakfast. You eat chips? I have chop some these mixture fruits salad, grapes, crack plates....

You eat Avocado, this I chop here you both eating more fresh this won't be darken with the air....So how do you two met? 

...... .......

(Napkin passing, tea pouring)

I was talking to her about I used to have an encounter of a girl name Ashley whom does this Women study, I was asking her if she knew anyone studying the women's study in her sorority in school.  She was my roommate in UK, University of Kentucky. Her name is Ashley. You know anyone name Ashley? 

......... ..........

UK was a school mounted hill, that situate very central classroom, and the dormitory far away from the walking distance road. But Ashley she is a white, my same height. She went to the first year, so she joint this Rush, or I was trying out the Volleyball Team, the real University team.

You remember anything? 

These are just some pastry puff, to pouring the jam and jelly with the sugar.

You don't have to eat it all, you can take them home, how far its your hotel from here?  I have some kids beverage. You can get the whole case carrying it home, sitting nothing in the hotel.


So you both like the new places where the competition right at the door, new land?


I had one host family purchase a church, his first which month of the leaking water bill its 5000 US dollars. You ever imagine, how you reading your bills every 3 months?


You want to ask me something?


Those called historical heritage preservation land....depends on which Catholic, or your Granny under.....these name oversees them. Every country its different, but that will be some human in England doing all those jobs. What happened to her cases, will be solely her private uses.....might including the Kitchen where the party on the video I can see.

... ..... ....

The home owner usually have to pay something called the house insurance, if that is the mortgage company required, of that is all paid off, I don't actually know the idea in America, how they doing all that....but most people in this world, are not attending to the public health or the public hygenic to needie greedie a household how to manage or carry through including staying inside the house where your water usage of the amount, you see these pipe, are not external, they are within the concrete walls. With the years of how the usage of this internal water, usually people don't flush them all off..... you seeing those you using toothpaste not carefully....you suppose to do things with everything dissolving, or you carefully wait those water streaming all the way down....or else they stay in there.

My grandmom use my room, I live in it now. I probably have to find a new place, but I notify certain things first....so I will tell you, its not convinience. I never really owning a home yet, all my life someone putting a roof on, I also learning these things new, I knew it from the school. In 25 years passing, I am sure they have evolve, whichever I use to hear.

.... ...

Most public are imagining whom they got to invite the entire household human staying in their own home, currently. Not necessarily they want to kill both of you right now, you see what I mean?  :) 

... ...

What do you usually eat, this are enough? I bought several things more meaty, other people made them, I just purchase it, I can heat them up. No, I can eat some too. How about I do that. You want some milk? I gonna pour myself a cup to go with that heated stuffs.

In Asian, to acquire a roasted small chicken, they made it very easy walking distance, the first day they open that store, which they replace the original store name Welcome, they were full packs of these meaty chicken things. I bought one extra box in the fridge, you can take it, see?! These what they look like, its a transparent lid, all clear, for all customer seeing it inside.

This City, has a metro as you seeing it....I usually don't leave these district, so while I am going to looking for a new house, I will tell you its not easy. There are only certain place I walking by, store by, knowing by. With the limitation, I don't really go shopping often, but in America, you are living very far away from the Hollywood culture, or where those Asian might be. You making any new friends, you comfortable their age, or celebrity to your charity cause you all doing it together?


I don't actually knowing them well, for all of them including you sitting which one by, loads of this lawsuit as if my write-up daily its not enough.....you are not supposed to having these much lawsuit to one human life, to that bear amount I think....but I just keep that fill up my cup, to where now that might just becoming my income sources, your England Navy or Country Flag has to paying for it. It would be probably American sueing the England, you are aware of that? 

... ...

So try to be mindful next time, what you written about ....

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