
How about you do what I tell you, you find out what it means you wish to see?

You moding a pot =vocational school by hands

You melting a metal at the constructional site = burn it down a line, there is a tool

Laser or Lasertron, like infred red nm long range gun = your eye sight aim

You find a vaccum, seeing the food processing mechanical, they drop the food, make a cake

To how all the Car chip, GPS chip, all electronic chip manufacture here in China, from Taiwan whom, or with whom else in China....those called the vaccum space, you see if you can get a job in there, they do that with the factory mechanical, see what the human suppose to do in there. 

You glue my stuffs by per line...where is my stuffs. 5 per each line down. You use a strong glue.強力膠,don't inhale it.

You doing beas design on the wedding dress, per gun glueing on hand made design

You collecting this tool, and you do it.

You use that Niko and longer knife, cut your dead skin, just open, and flip it open, at least you can do that much. You are not very refine human.

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