
Explaining what is a periodic table ....You have a separation of the S and P orbital, but first you must understand what is a single atom. One atom. Their outter most caring about structure called electron.

In the physics, you use I = current

The electricity department. How the battery one of those you learning the nodes.

To the periodic table, there are the Quantum number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ....Its per row, not per column

The per column things, they separate as the metalic, semi-its a slander looking by color, eventually these gaserous all looking, they are what you known the Carbon dioxide, covalence bond

This one side of S = metalic groups to P = gaserous, or semi...they are union to be saying ionic bonding. Meaning their positive charge or the negative charge to forming a bond.

Did I say, you have to touch it, to saying it why you using that chart, not vapor, you dissipate them or you blow them with the air dryer.....

I am very sure you meant how you becoming the sailor moon elemental Prince of Persia, Sand of Time, Aleman? Princess?

Salt = ironic bond, Na - Cl.

Your green house.....to eliminate by the government says, that is P side, covalent.

You want to becoming a chemistry major?

General Chem

Organic Chem

Analytical Chem

Inorganic Chem

Physical Chem

There is nothing medicinal chem like bio chemistry or other things taken....I could just graduate with ease.

Basic understand in the equation of the formulation to acid and base concept


Solution experiment


I forgot ....

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