
Wing, you are entering a City Life .... Do you know for sure where you going yet?



You have any other gf, other than we know Winnie? You can have an accompany, you just tell the girls, you give her 100 bucks, 2 months, she helped you going all around? 

Like me, its living alone with my mother 6 longs years, there is no other friends than she here. So she knew aunt whom, Autin's mother. They were buddies. So Austin and his mother are in Shanghai. Meaning if I have one Eben, or not Eben, I finding my ways there?

My father's just near by someone whom also moving there, the Satellite guy and his wife? If I really need going that way, and there is a house settle there, might be Irene's parents manifest another human beings we just happen to know from my grandpa side?

Dr. Bing Shen are not a human, I guess. 


You....what now? Do you have an itinerary what your life going ahead would be? 

There is an ET issues, and you will have a Republic of China Party Issues, I assume, you are always a democratic? When I growing up, no, I don't vote. I thought that is what I tell Obama the reason where I used to live for? I don't participate in the political worlds, those time, .....

Is that the Beauty Pegeant you already try to powder white on those faces?

Yeah, I have thoughts if my face too whites....I seen the mirror myself, like I cannot expose to the high bright light, or it magnify my entire faces? The sunlight to my room, that is what you see the photo, its the sunlights, there is no other lights. Its the windows all the way to the floor lights.

But Eben they use those big bright light, we might process different the office decoration or the film setting, its not a big deal, but he uses a different body size ratio? 

I sit in my chair? 

You see all these Youtuber equipment costs money. Eben he has money, I won't buy from him all those stuffs, I use what I have....You know what most the Youtuber did? They purchase so so so so expensive camera equipment to film?? ?  I cannot afford to gamble those things.

Wing, do you know how hard it is to go to the Medical School?

Very very very hard. So we don't know who making it. But if the Underground fighting land on your head...Wing, those whom waiting at the back door, you feeling good about it? You know how much studies and works to do, to arrive to where?

And there are people using those....their IQ are low, they will never make it, but they pretend to be your friends, and when the TV or the movie turn real the first thing? They back lash at you? Wing, can you use your brain?

That is where they have the programs. They do that on purpose, so there is a process, they will never do those things EVER again, by daring at it. 

When someone step by step making it in life.

Step by steps, meaning we have to do a lot of works working 24 hours including on the weekend, and someone because they failed on their short of the brain wire, they go on doing those trenchy human does, and using high usury, on Banks? to pay off, their bet on it, you will return to the home town, and one of those days, they just need to ?

Ella Enchanted?

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