
The Silicon Valley guy, he was saying something....

Kinda off. 

No, I listen. He tells you exactly what it is.  Well, like In the morning I go for a walk, usually depends on when the birds woke me up. They are very smart. So there are a series things I do to open my balcony, their water.

But in the mornning I have to use my facet, both sink and bath. I go to pee a min, they run off 1 min

I rinse my mouth 3 times, I mouth wash. 

Go back to bed, or hot pack (Bath water) to hot pack on my back pelvic bones. Reading all this Ipad at 3:30, or 4 oclock. I lay down sometimes 10 to 20 mins. Morning talk, the birds joins. But sometimes I going back to sleep. 

But today I jump up to change, and I go for a walk. I turn on that door light long time ago, til I make-up, medicine apply, deorderant, VS creme, neck, head, conditioning Craig my hair....its how scent becomes everywhere, I now wear socks and sneakers, I never thought about it.

I check everything I bring, I brought water, no more eating on the road, yogurt today, the birds calls, in a different store.

If you tell the System people to come and reading it...that is exactly I meant I say it all.

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