
Tell me, what Dean sees me Anna seeinig this....far away from it all, Far Far Far away from America, do you know how far its Taiwan to American West coastline? Its FAR AWAY

You vomit on the airplane, to one trips to Kentucky 2 transfer planes, drive another 2 and half hours if Adam Davis Ella Enchanted was in town. 

What does Dean sees me Anna looking at.....

What does Anna feel towards Karen's parents


Karen's that entire High School friends joining her wedding or all those groups together social?

You must know the ET standard, or ET knew what the military or the National Defense Standards, asking Bill X Man?
Its 20 years or 40 years since after 911, to extent to when you think the end of every Dates in the Heaven Sky with this?  The ET Blue Box? 
And when I actually seeinig this, its ET, ITS ET did every work behinds all this to tell me a story of?
How to prepare all yourself to think, act, do, and Live On?

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