
Do you know what’s a comprehensive skill? In PCAT, you speak in English !!

You understand a story plot, you understand a theme, you understand the music, the music history, the music tone, the English pronunciation words. I didn’t read the lyrics? 

You can apply to geography, to Ancient Chinese in Flower Thousand Bones, in Food science with chemistry, with material science of that physics, if you just keep repeating your education exactly like the Twlight says. What you fear it’s not now…

That one day when you reaching 50, you will go back. You will become parts of the statistics numbers only… all those exactly just like you. 

You lost your memory, you lost your line and squares, you lost your writing skills, you cannot literally speaking a clear tone on the problem solving. 

You do not have any friends that believing you have a worth to when they issues really matter, your feeling to that environment becomes colder and colder. Your friends cannot call you on the problem solving, or communicate a network when you just not happy. The upper friends money talk never reach you foot step.

You running in and out like the border to become Hailey them like food on 7-11, tell me what is a point they say about Taiwan, any point? You tour, you food, you weather clouds how building Google Silicon Valley its at My exit, without a trip to the Valley, did you see a photo from me?

I only dissecting their entire road map and an artificial instant noodles in the pharmacy see how painful that is line and cross…with only a GPS.

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