
Are they telling me its better you buy all things and eat at home, cheapter? That its a lot of buy?


Yesterday I was exaggerating saying you using 50 time, like 500 dollar per day. That is more than 100 dollar per eating food box, total should be only 300 dollars

or 150 dollars x 3 meals = 450. As long as you don't eating every breakfast, its one thirds reducing, so I was exaggerating, a lot of people don't eat the breakfast right? ANd NEVER 150 dollar per breakfast in NT? about 5 dollar US?


Last night I went to Mc Donald, to get the fish burger + one Apple pie, that is about 80 dollars NT? No I have to eat something last night. 

The cousin that looks more stable established, not Irene, but both got fat and got aged.

She looks like my aunt from New York City. That is horrific how much weight he puts on himself. Huge weight, he was in the military so he was slim. Taiwan its a food place market, and they eating meat. 

Meat has to use those application alcohol, for the food, how do you say those words. I don't need to eat a lot of meat, but if I have to cook for Eben let's say one chicken, I buy "Dining Food process wine and Industrial Vinegar", Wagman selling those.

To make a soup, or what...but you shouldn't be eating meat, I think they are very very dirty, my throat feeling it. 

Fish they fried, those taken are better, and I didn't eat the whole bread down, really. 

Today its lie 66.1Kg coming up a bit weight.


You need to slim down the weight before that age bar of the metabolism hits. Especially the girls. The guys not necessarily doing anything better, but usually they seeing you doing that, they might just believing it, they will try. For the girl's age, you have to find out the time, when that metabolism running down hit. 

The TV has a number called 35, so was SMCH poetry 35. (34, 35 called Gone)

So I guess its 40. 

Like the metabolism and the cycle of your body rhythm, first hit its 40 years old, then 50 years old, and then 60 years old. Of a women's body means to a guy, etc etc....You have a body heat. I have no idea if a guy really knowing that, or for what indicator they learn that, of everything of a women? But some guys knows those information, its TERRIBLE you.....I try NEVER talk about certain things, and for the privacy and sometimes a guy not necessarily make it clear that is their intention, I think....you avoiding things, so you don't clean yourself, and you eating out outside, so every guy's money pocket disappear.....

I tell those age bar, or whatever I just saying here, have a reason I am saying that. And that karma like the age hits are so drastically....its horrendous at my mother's friend's age. They come here and visit her.

I seen it all.

They are ABC or older people living overseas, or local here. Everyone of them are horrendous. They eat salt, spicy, something very very very strong taste. VERY STRONG Taste. Because they are not with the guy, as if that is a freedom no more discipline in front of me eyes.

When you are be with a guy, first of all, the guy will NEVER LET you doing any of those things, so your freedom are limited. But if without the guy, you gonna going down the drain, to be...trenchy. You keep eating, eating, eating!

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