
This is India talk, or that is China Talk, or American saying something, Wing has to sing? To become like Zed?

I know what Zed aiming at. I mean Milo. The on-line protocol. You are not saying Wing to become a what? Christmas Table Small human gimmy? 

No, the TV didn't give me a specific role or look, what is a "Big Hero 6"? You mean the spider man? With a neighbor romance story, called MJ 12???

MJ, like Mary Jean? 

You like that commercial, that new girl on the horse? I keep seeing that. There are 2 spider man. In my time, that is a vegetarian called Tobey maguire

Its called the Christmas Gemmy. Not Gimmy....

I cared so much of that....I don't even remember where I learn that word from.

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