
Chemistry, when I grew up, I think they recycle cups, trash, like Taipei regulation to buy the trash bags, we separate the container trash to the other waste, and then regular garbage. We did that for decades years.

Not in America.

So if you asking me before, what is the chemist jobs, I already answer you before....

1) Cleaning up the water, stream, river.....the factory waste will be inspector, me chemist type to get rid of including the factory pollutant in the air, the particle of those black, or heavy metal liquid semi- forms....

2) Recycling cups

The process of everything else the synthetical cloth One Boy, polyester, those are ...the textbooks your clothing tags. Those are not ...really the chemist jobs. At least when I grew up, my head its only in certain zone, okay? 

FDA, one of those governmental jobs, require heights, guys, or inspector liscense tests, really.  You need the connection to get a lot of jobs in whichever I think the jobs related, okay?

I can tell you things in the chemistry textbook as long as I heard, read, know, learn. Which only limited to the teachers. Only those. So I would never insanely believing I go to the clothing dye, or the food science, you mean the genetic modified food? That is the 4th category. Our president gone to Cornell for those. Ivy League. 

Don't talk about me....but I give you an example.

I don't have a intend career goal when I grew up, I say that too many times. I forget I need to worry about the money? I am, but I am not like many of you, you have a way how to survive, I never even think about it, or else I would already succeed moving to Canada? I have heard so many stories how they immigrant to Canada, the working Visa. 

Wing you like this??


I personally don't know the music, what subjects its that....you mean singing duet, or acapallo, or Madrical, you know,....some people might consider all that important, for a greater significant in the future.

I taken that roles, because that field never exist before?

I get used to I show up at, there is nothing before me. No one cares about it until I show up....I am telling you, how I truly feel. It might become something just like everything else before?

Or its every subjects I say something, they become of another SOMETHING Big?

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