
You want to just carry a conversation with your dad or Dean? Like Dean will not be found? "Would Anna be jailed if she killed the entire population girls just like she guanrantee?"

 "Because you should be dead. Dying has to feel it so near so close, like your words saying to your parents, you wish to die, so why not making it. You have to bet on it, making it worse, or making it less... as if I born without the dates. With all the excuse for the guys to linger, you just have to say it...saying it, how close you are near the Death wish...to that wishful thinking how far you willing to go fallen....Its Taipei 101 up there..." 

Its just a conversation you wish your dad will stand on your side, one min more....as that living life forces you could hear a word from him, and loosen that car drive, he is not stern on your attitude, or your behavior, and nagging you spending on Red color? 

Not Red, the movie, Obama kids?

You want to talk your way in, to feel your parents, both daddy and momy, loosen that sharpen tones of their words, saying to you, "What you do with your life, just like the TV says?" 

"Tell me what the TV meant to say it. Exactly words"

You wish you walking into the house not tip toe at it...you wish to get what inside your room, and you always feel that entry of the house, both your parents or your sibling are on guards, that you feeling it, you feeling it...you just want one extra outting meals, to feel light on the mall spending, you have to, you have to, you just desire so much to....these TV meant not the virtues in me, its how the life Freedom to become...subjective....Wildness Wild Honey~ Vola!

Fallen on the ground....plastic cards? High heel shoes, and imaginative princess outfit, you just really need it...that one dress, one coke, one diet...burger. Needed to.

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