
Frozen, You could just ask Dean if Ana was really his real girlfirends in Florida?

You want to be clear, that you care about that Frozen plots, and Dean can just telling you, "That is exactly what it means, forever impossible? You are not princess, you are playing your parents like Disney little bella stuffs? You are not. I have seen more beautiful girls a lot more than your height. no matter how you make yourself sounds like you had a script. The reality its the constitutional laws under that freedom right, and the personal subjective, you are just as dirty as not that crystal clear of that every fibers of your skins, tones, hair, sock.,...just like Anna says, you finished? I hope you never get involved with any of this groups works, or else....you understand you won't be hearing the last worse words from me, for every degree you imagine in the real guys worlds, there are the real Life reality, that is on the field, every 4 oclock in the morning if I have to get up. And that getting up of that choice, forever would NEVER EVER forever be you Ola...just like your name meant it. Go to somewhere else."

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