
You know I getting fat today, and I still keep eating.

I cannot stop biting...The bamboo salad, the oil rice, and my mother's carole = zero veg, and juice.

I need to work out.

I will tell you, I know what I eating everyday...these things are not the main dishes you all eating behind and 3 meals a day.....When they say you gain 29 pounds....that is one year? Not one month?

You putting like Muffin, Starbuck bagles, or again Muffins in your mouth, or all kinds of American snacks, nacho sauces with the chips, or some kinds of the energy bars. Those are fat too. If you eat whole food, the original shape of the food, its not as fat as the condense food.

Like Bamboo is the bamboo looking, the rice its just rice looking.

You eat waffle, muffins, cakes, sweets, potato tarts, or anything full meals from Mc Donalds, or Arby's marroralla cheese sticks? Or just cheese sticks from the Wal-mart? You eat meat like the whole plate? And Fried?

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