
Remember Simon Cowell's Hymn, that background, I have this Big Berkley Water filteration, and The Chinese chive? That is hydroponic.

Right now, because all of you are on detox, meaning, you using loads loads of herbs to colon cleansing, a lot of people knows that. You use loads...one day, as you really become skillful, and long years you do nothing but this tonic, elixir....for a long period of time. What you really need are very very sparsely of these Chinese Chive herbs.  You can tell the smell, or taste.

You will know. 

5:45 - The Hidden Message of Our Genetic Codes, Titanic Sea Hymn (Piano Piece, the Second Parts)


That is just a plastic cup, I put the Chinese Chive in, Buffalo, that is Williamsville, New York, still very cold weather, but its indoor. There is no soy, you see the background?

No, that is not nick's place. That is MY place. So you see how tall that Chinese Chive growing tall? You cut them, they keep growing and I am one person eating that? You imagine you going to the store to buy all these herbs are not the money you required? And Pesticide?

I am not sure if nick does Chive growing...I think that is I did that.

I am the Chem major, he is not the chem major? When you are in the science field, what you know or growing up all these science ideas its the "Science Olympia Team". Each school has this guys or girls they going for that, and my brother did that in his high school, they won.

Its in the High School Disney Musical things. I forget whom, the guy or the girls were in the science team, or Mean Girl? Math or science?

I mean the X Prize, next by Elon Musk, there is a Peter Diamond, they fix the oil leak under the Mexico Gulf, they bidding on the methods? Meaning all the science team human going in, to fix that one issues, the oil spils in the gulf Mexico. 

Well, that Mississipi rivers are nothing but the industrial waste from the upper rives all the way to the down stream, so that Mexico Gulf supposed to be dead zone long time ago. They built the factory along these river, guess whom clean up the river, and water stream?

You just don't major in my subjects....to say categories.

Chinese Chive - No Pesicide

If you are growing the new Chive from the older one, those you keep cutting down? Where are the pesticide? Unless you cut the old Chive. When you cut away the Chive, only the new chive exist, where you define you put the pesticide on top of it? 

Usually the kitchen situate, you go to less sunny directly at the plants, and you grow "sprouts" or these Chive. For me one person living that time, why you care I grow a hydroponic Chive indoor for what reasons? I didn't know they keep growing...I forget how I done that....but that just keep growing growing growing, so I keep triming, and using it? Not a lot, but some dishes, you just drizzle on top, you save the money?

If I use the filteration water next by Big Berkerley Emergency Water Filter 2012, to water that Chive, is that organic?


You don't know the definition what is organic or what is hydroponic basic definition means?

Hydroponic means indoor and the water growing methods. They shed those more less rain, or harsh environment, they put heat to harvest the flowers, or water the mushroom, to create a big quantity harvesting amounts. I told you Taiwan engineering a way to mass distribute the King Mushroom .Just on this island, so its cheap, and you will find all the vegan restaurant like the Loving Hut ingredients are these cheap King Mushroom like Hot Pot. You still buying them very expensively in America. 

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