
oh ~ they put the stuffs on the chicken....those hermone things. This women saying it, the girl she has the baby, to 3 or 4 months having the beard?

That is not good. 

When I was in Buffalo, I was taking that Enterprise car back? So one guy telling me, or that is a Taxi guy telling me, he eating meats, so he tried those organic chicken, he says, that completely taste so so so so so different. 


I think you should just change your diet like they told you, the fish in Lords of Ring, or the Slam Dunk. They are as psychi as like the birds too. But you taken that once or twice a year, the concentrate fish patty...I cannot believe these ASMR human girls, eating all those Octopod, or unknown creature from the sea. And they repeatedly every girl open their mouth swallowing those things down? Unbelievable, is that real? oh my dear. 

Every town now has this Local groups, like the Meet-Up groups, or the Farmer's Market? You see me hanging my Art Vendor? We went once. When you going a lot of these small farmer's market, you will talk to these connections of the local, whom connected to the near by vinicity places they say they come from. Like Taiwan here, Taipei its the financial or the University Place, so only those small farmers from the south Taiwan come in, including those to the Hotel, or to the Taipei Expo. I used to keep their name cards or vendor's location.

I do that often when I was in Buffalo or Toronto....you will find the organic green bell pepper, and there are more this University like UB putting the farmer's market.

I know you probably just getting easy to go to the internet or amazon....to see the online shopping catalog. There are certain things you will find quite stuffs, if you just open your mouth, one vendor checking to the last of all vendor. 

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