
美國是過肥叫做 obesity in Taiwan, called Fat, not obesity 台灣可能還沒有到 obesity 但是肥

我在外面走路其實我有跟著男孩子的眼睛看 ...因為我從來就沒有想過 COVID 19 的原因,我看到死到的都是男孩子呀 ! 美國的,我跟我同學 UB女生講話叫做一肚子氣,你們亞洲的女孩子只要保持型態,你們的身高講溜冰天使~只要瘦下來我沒有算矮耶~ 但是我在外面走路還有更矮的~而且肥、髒、眼鏡度數...頭髮用看的 ...如果腿秀出來看得,都沒有穿涼鞋耶~我覺得男孩子很可憐...真的,他們的 option 是幾乎零...你們沒有真的覺得如果就放下食物,清潔口腔,四肢、頭髮,回家幫爸媽就用省下來的錢買衣服,不是拿去吃或是社交沒有意義的酒... ...

有些男孩子是要看才能的~你們幾乎不煮菜的 FDA standard.....真的有夠骯髒的....


American called obesity in Taiwan, called Fat, not obesity. Taiwan is...not yet arriving obesity. YET.

I walking outside the road to follow where the guy's eyes looking at....becuase I HAVe NEVER thoughts of the reasons to that COVID 19. I saw the death are the fat guys, like American. When I talking to my UB girls those firends just a stomach of anger or chi. Your Asian girls if just maintain your body, you talking about the book of that Ice Skating~if just skinny down, meaning getting your weight down, me height is not that short...at all. But I walking outside, there are shorters you girls~ and FAT, Dirty, Heavy Eye Glasses...the hair I see, if the legs shows out, or not sandle~ I think guys are pity...their options are at zero landmarks. You don't feel if you let go food, mouth hygenic, 4 limbs, hairs, going home to help your parents, to save those money to buying cloth, not eating, not social justice for that wine.....

Some guys requires the girls on talents, meaning you hardly cook yet to say FDA standard...really so messy and dirty.


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