
Lalla you don’t know cooking?

Or cc next by Loving the Silent Tear, she is next by the Ledford Wing. Smaller farmers that’s SMCH at the left wing, goblin? The Indian 500 years old?

Leonardo Da Caprio….oh neighbor !!! Keanu, you got a neighbors I say hi ? He was home that day, May not be his voice? Isn’t he gf long time whom at VS, and never show up after certain year. 

There is a a sailor moon on VS. She is the first one coming out? My notebook has nothing but filed up writing on VS 5 Lords Reviews. I had no choice to fallen paper, I might forget. 

He was at the charity of the Tiger….foundation. 

I think SMCH organizations and Keanu keeps her a while better. It’s not a big deal for me. It’s big deal everyone else, yeah. 


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