
VS pineapple sky


I think you should transform your career choice as soon as ….you can be replaced, Lalla. That’s a heart cut none stop world. You go to the educational world it’s better. They required the certificate, and brain to literacy for the minors or you focus on the guys or the girls education. 

That kinda of choice has pension. The other choice are just temporary stay. You borrow a photo be seen.

💝💝 I tell you the same things on the modeling worlds.

Keanu and Simon when they arrive where they are right now, if they join any industry back party, they got the rejection as well. No literacy, they hire the youth ones. It’s every standard like that. You and all those models…all, fallen of, that’s why it’s inverted. It’s year after year very very real reality. Unless you can recite those exactly textbook, they drop you. 

They drink wine, they smoke, they rotten their brain. It’s the same story year after year. You are like everyone else finding the exit. There is no exit.wine, smoke, stealing, betray, heart cut, unstable, crying ….that world behind where the real power, or power shift, industrialist they owns things. I would never hire any of you. You think you exist fine.

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