
๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ”๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ” If you become too fat, overweighted, triple of my size....etc. ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ” When you get old, what happened to your foot?

Vincent has a very worse of gout, he cannot walk. Same is nick. Like Jack Sparrow opposite. That is true. That is gout. 

The way how you all girls if gaining so much weight, same as the men too...that kind of heaviness, that is more than just overweight. I don't know how to describe to you, my decimal point up and down at this bar standard of my own size....I have my foot problems.

When I gain weight, I am not feeling all that well in front of my abdomen and I think my chest a little bit bigger. If you do my jobs, you gain this some weight, I probably say all right and you gonna lose it as soon as this job gone down.....like now.

You cannot bent to reach your toes to cut your nails, and your nail becomes harden. Those required a different tool for someone to cut it for you. I seen those on Youtube. 

The things are, if you admit into one of those senior assistant living, they provide you 3 meals a day, starting when you are 65!!! That is a cage, that all you ever waiting for your life goal were that 3 meals a day. Seriously!!! You pay the money per monthly.

You imagine I eat 3 meals a day?

I will tell you, I used to have that mentality also, eating 3 meals a day as a fix idea. But as a girl, if you willing to work on that. Willing to work on that...to give that up, the guys will think differently about you. They know its hard too.

Like you know what I tell Craig Ballantyne? The hair conditioning..... You know what my entire lunch, nothing but mushroom everywhere...nothing but just mushroom every bowl? I hate mushroom this much?

What was this about? ETR?

You cannot write your thesis, or you cannot write your own Sitesell? What was that you are working on, may I know? I hate my entire lunch, nothing but keep seeing these mushroom. I took them off.

oh ~~ now I see it.

Why is he putting his beard on all around, like his eye brown, like his hair color on his head?

There is a Dr. Steven Hairfield video. 

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