
I go to lunch

Was I ever cared about the Sailor Moon, the future, past present Neo Queen Serenity? You mean in 2014?

I gonna tell you what TSA does....they know people from Asian carried their childhood stuffs with them, seriously. I didn't have anything when I met Dean those human in UB to become my facebook mess. I just gonna tell you that. After High School, volleyball....I changed.

So if someone would have told me Silver Millennium like the correct words with the correct things, including Neo Queen Serenity, like English and Chinese, I might have recalled anything they are important. I simply forgot what that is. 

Don't tell me a lot of this comic books, while I had a living to find out this Periodic Table when Simon deliver a humane things that time. I run 3 times, he becomes? Harry Potter. Do you know what I ever think that supposes to be? 

I don't want to talk about this none sense.

Babaji: Go

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