
Your military niches - in case you are not the commanders they are....I always talk about the girls

You know dancing like BTS, one of those, roller blades, or ice skate....you keep that momentum for next 7 years to 10 years. You will know you stay fit for a good purpose, you jumping all around. You are moving your entire 4 limbs. That is the only thing as the general guidelines, as a girl, you need to get up, and trim off anything extra weight okay?

The guys they know they die sad, and pathetic...but the girls just too many suffering you could just work your way out, when you move the weight just determined it, it will not loosen it the fat becomes quatriple. 

My cousin she woke up like noon. You need to make a schedule of the right mind, you go to sleep by 10 or 11, and get up like 7. You sleep 8 hours right?

When you capable to carry your life in a more discipline, mother other people's life, you will not be baby by your commanders every step the way. You can further your career goal if you are not a baby at home or on your job sites. 

Your life is more important than this games. Your fitness to your father, to your mother, to your siblings sounding, you are working on it to feel happy. At least doing that. You keep an appearance, you will find out years later....what that really meant it. 


When you knowing you have the shape, you work on your language, your tones of English, your experty in one area of knowledge, like recite your own high school or college textbook. One month per chapter, make it worthwhile, you literally saying out loud.

I know you want to sale sale sale....your communication skills its my Anna's communication skills? You freeze. You are unsure, you blank out.

Keep your writing flows, you can gather the correct things you thoughts, and make an organization out of it. 

"What? If after Flower Thousand Bones, next TV...What? "

You say, "Like hanging T, like hanging R? Without E, or T saying? you know?"

"You mean 1 game makers or 2 game makers, or you stack them up on the tree branch, whom are the branches?"

Why don't you just do the normal things I say, keep your happy fitness mood, and live happy life. If you don't have a sheet of paper doing anything, there is nothing to do with you. Some people like to decode movies and finding things in it....that is a different issues.

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