
How about you built me a thing I wanted, a Library, where the Medical and the Laws book cases we had so far, all throwing in there?

And you built these 2 Dharma Protector Two Sides. 

You probably need the book formats anyway. I have seen the UK library. That is One Billions Dollars.....the electric moving. 

Since there are 2 auspicious things showing up...吉祥物,How tall is the ET again? Like the guest rooms treating tea? The grey is small right? And Reptilian is like Howard Stern? You know, one of the things about them might be, they NEVER eating Cakes, to see all these Cake decorating ideas.....or its just Tim Cook Energy Bar on their monitor screen....They have screen, can you believe that? 

I make a lawsuit on that. https://194002e.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-264.html

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