
醫院那邊你們不能過去 The hospital there you cannot go there, that area

她們查  They are investigate whom goes there.

你們不是病人  You are not the patience.

你們不知道路,那邊是山上走上去,你們以為那裡是台北? 坐公車還是奇摩特車? You don't now the road, that is the Mountain Top, you walk up. You imagine where is Taipei. Sitting bus, or riding the motocycle.

你們要走上去 You need to walking up. 

從早餐店開始走上去,往上爬 From the breakfast place walking up, climbing up

那是一座山脈 That is a mountain top. 

有,有轉彎, Yes, there is a curve, turn, around

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