
小鳥說他們在吵架 ! 兩隻飛走~有一隻在 Hailey fake 旁邊很小隻


白雲說 Micky Mouse 米奇? 迪士尼的那隻老鼠 (The white cloud says)

不是米其林? Michelin in Taiwan are famous, its a restaurant rating. 

沒有,松德的那間愛家 2010 年就存在,我寫的書面我不知道? 一直都存在因為那一間...是給動物去的! 清海她有的所有愛家都倒了,只剩下幾間,所以那間是所有同修可以去那邊給狗吃東西的地方! 動物....

No, that branch of loving hut in 2010 already exists, I written the Paper works, I don't know? Its always existing because that one...its for the animal to go ! For all this Ching Hai Loving Hut all gone, only few left, that will be one of those left over that allows the initiated to take their dogs to go there and eat food ! The animal....

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