
๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿซ‘ They agree M & T bank has this small business proposal to fill up...they are thinking about those small craft and arts stuffs, like a physical store. Not Eben's or Site sell.

In this entire sphere of Ub, there is only one human that is high tech equip. They are not listening a word I say...Sitesell, keywords, Digital Era.

They treat that like a greek, because....their ego, because they just don't believe in it. Their IQ is outside the science field, so that is why paycheck to paycheck....And I think Adria doesn't have the sibling, but Ola and Karen has the siblings. Fighting whom begging whom on the house, instead of doing the correct things = Making it.

They just ruin every degree of their life, and no one when they picking up their teammates, will seeing this.... "Whom begging whom to open their mouth and talkie wackie..."

There are girls that waiting their Line App, just staring at it, their ex husband, or whom they used to facebook or what not. Stupidity. The priority of life, its that Tro Big stab on Google. That guy is not short, he is the upper Jewish above...Google. uh...about right saying. One of those Mortgage acquisition or merging department. That is the guy. Young I think. 

When they lose one house month payment, to when that house becomes forclosure...its they lose it all. That is if they lucky...to imagine the rest, because there are the senior citizen apartment take-go scenario. They might just imagine their ex husband has to provide them all Royal imagination Begging life, to try out on Lawsuit, seeing whom got compensate in the end. 

Its really one of those most ridiculous things...while you are in the house of catching fires, they soak in the imagination, their someone its a bet-on-it- all scenario, they have a car waiting for them outside.

They have that imagination, not to feel so much pain external, like in their life current to their parents, to their sibling, to all around pressure them. So they escape and waiting on that Line App. One of those really people doing those inept human does things. 

And purses, nail polish, purses......electronic....

Loads of they wish to spend money, on a particular junks. Like the Pinterest house, I display? Theirs and mine? They react on it. As if I cannot feel it far away. 

That day.

They actually clinging on it....buying.

You heard people buying things to accumulate debts, I hope you are not one of them. They are that norm. You want to guess which name is that?

Why my name is even God, I am telling you.

None sense no stopping.

I told everyone, very very very bad situation on the bank. I did.

Very bad. You can say I Anna has no credit cards. I have no more credits like everyone else saying borrowing the limits stuffs. 

Right now, if I run a Corperate Top, the only things I will ever look at, its the Bank side. Their brain has a lot of things saying about that. Because I Anna never had an issues, until I touch the Bank's head, like those Carla human and Tony. 

Its horrific. I am telling you.

I also give a very specific instruction on someone else.....THAT...its none sense. Where they just don't do the step by step...no matter what I say, they don't do a thing.

When the girls are young, they thought their life has an options. Its one of those Cinderella story.  Like Prince William Newspaper.

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