
There are stories so real, they didn't let go. Because...on my facebook, some guys, except that Tamang....There are someone might just really making it.

The making it the guys, they cannot make a sound, because the Corperate or Academia Worlds are regulating them. The girls are the moving factors. The jobs these girls have, are the paycheck to paycheck, their IQ at zero, that is why. Manual labor jobs. Filling paper works.  Not anything important jobs.

I give them certain very very specifically instruction. It was very clear on my parts. I watch them. They cannot understand life. Not a bit. 

UB is number 1 state school, Anna is in the UB Honor Class, next by the UB Honor Program. There are guys they are making it in the programs, not this 10 years, they will make it somewhere somehow....but those girls they are on?

How to fight against the sweetie 17, home bound. That they lose all....things. ALL. Not me, not them, not all around. 

I see them has no brain when they are at the junction of every worlds....so I do not volunteer. Its every step the way, its every step wrong.

These movies, 4 points have a story....that is about a life, and many choices in front of you. If you failed, you will ruin every worlds of someone else life. For me, I don't need their lifes. They don't have any paper validate your IQ why exist at all. 


I have 9 long years, they supposed to just 24 hours got nothing but talking to someone what to do...wasting...that every resume I put forth words. They lose it all.


Want to use the naughty smile, to charm you.

In your frank eye sight, reflects to my image.

Only the gentleness its not enough.

Wants to touch you, the deep inside where no one sees.

Bathing under the soft Sunshine

The grass lucky, can fullfilled all wishes. Bring the Hope with the winds to fly.

At the Bright sunlight direction to finding this Light of Hope.

Thinking wanting to stay next by your side.

Long time ago, in the remote of distant corners, there is a contract of the fate meeting

The light shining me, as if guiding me.

Transpassing the far away of that Sky, and Time, Arriving Presence (Now)

The song above


Often showing the hesitate eyes gazing direction,

Use hands touching gently your soft hairs.

No words but sigh

The tears touching the chest front.

Even lying, would also that is all right.

Cannot response to your feeling at that time, firmly.

If the coward me, at the time responding to you.

Can it still going on.... 

The body remembers the inregular heart beat patterns.

Still wishing to feel it all again.

Losing all that heart beat unintentionally. 

Remorse of that pain neck me tie (tight)

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