
When you making a larget food, its your entire 454 g per box of pasta going in. That is 4 serving, but they are guys, so might be 2 boxes, the rest you taken back to your hotel and be with you.

I am not lack food myself. Pizza and pasta, with some other things I put together, they can live long time inside their hotel. 

You know that Bank 中國信託 do you see what they write? We are family?

The Family Mart is right diagonal to them. So you know what they sell? The vaccum chick whole pieces. meaning you cut them cube, or strips, you can put on the pizza or the pasta. Because...technically no human they eating what down, has no taste. Those are the white chicken has no taste. You put the cheese or Pamerson cheese or some white sauce, or red sauce, to them all taste about the same. 

These entire 2 side the Widen Avenue or Road full of trees. You tear apart that Family Mart, that is all they had...meaning these street entire workers, on their foot 腳程 the only things they get to, its these vaccum package. 

People like me eating the vaccum package, you yourself cannot eat the vaccum package. 

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