
What? Star War? What did I ever done?

You really want me to tell you the Truth, how thin your faces its when....you have no microphone, no lighting, no equipment, there is one IPad, that is all you ever had, and Go.

They sent me the playlist. 

You want to listen to what I really tell you and you comply to do? 

1. You go to American Classify, says "We are all human guys, not the girls. We cannot live to see one photo, one in person, one court room Drama if we screw it up while looking at the Reptilian or Grey. We are judgemental to our own human race, we are judgemental to the animal kingdoms so we eating them or harming them or fur them to dress. We cannot handle anything without knowing, why Anna says ET grant the girls 4 bubble teas on the Table. She gone through all these one time, one shot, or....exactly how many things she did to them or really seeing them inside included?"


2. "Its like the disable human, if we seeing one leg hanging, not 2 legs on the chair, none of us can bear, not about the compassionate heart, we never grow to witness the ET on the pavement road, can the police tell them to go away? In the zone district?"


3. Anna also says, "We are inpaired, inepted, if we hit one time the car somewhere to very long time never hit anything, small pavement road included, get off. So this video on the Mc Key its false. We cannot physically handle anything one tiny bump into our physical being skin structure, to the body shaken to our brain. We cannot breath. We are the book paper thin human race."


4. "Did Anna knows they are invisible, is that what she said, did she confirm with you clearly in the language they are invisible, or she seeing them physical, she just didn't proven to you, or she enlighten you, or she says what to you? Is that the Shadow, bubble, black, or mellatic idea, 4D Time?"

5. "And whom is this UB UFO Seth by the way? This things getting freaky if its my own classmate or the Lords, you mean romantic? They dated before? "

No !

6. "When you knowing this Mark Twain....uh, that is 2 Towers? do you have any public statement you hand out, ever since this Anna showing up and even beginning this Star War, without any of us knowing whom she is, and that is right on the book, on her painting, on your television shows? Is that a joke, or my eyes playing a trick to me? I ask about 10 people, we seeing the same exactly the same things in front of us."

7. "We don't have any current mortality people can twist things like she ever did. We read all that, translate all that. What we need to do on the Olympia  + Ice Training for our share things in our territory, do you have anything on the scientific convention or the women authorship, why that SMCH did all that World Wide might be one word or 2 words you side American find out can encourage our land, those more weak and feeble race? There is nothing looking better our side. Its all about the same like she says."

The rest you can go and make your every other points.


36 hours?



Why they keep saying overloaded? 


Hold it...I am watching it. Where is this Prince Harry on the Nibiru, or at that Star System? Whom are shipping to? Technically Nibiru is the ferry, driving to 3500 or 3600 years landing to the Dark Sun Star System.



No, I haven't finished this OU language per line last time I did.



This is not about, if you don't orbits in the NASA says so, those satellite hanging on the any type of the Lower Debris orbits or the existing current higher orbits, you will be??

Absorb into the Earth, crashing through the sky, if the atmosphere didn't melt down all of them. One piece land on Earth. Its about the same you having one comet coming in. NASA will be annihilated.

Is there a reason why NASA needs to be annihilated? ! 

oh ! You don't know why you gone to the Science Olympia Team for in the Disney High School Musical? Its to go to NASA. I didn't say that before? That is what the First Boy School here, or whom they always ending up on our tiny island newspaper, or TV says so.

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