
๐Ÿฅช๐Ÿฅช We have hashbrown like North America, its a long boxes....any White guys, they eat catchup ! ๐Ÿฅช๐Ÿฅช We have Mustard too.

I don't eat Tofu anymore, not even the soy meat. Unless they are on the diet, to reduce the fat. NSYNC getting very very fat. 

๐Ÿฅช You know what that American guy French Ku did one dish, you eating what shrimp? Under the Sweet and sour those color?

๐Ÿฅช It means you eating those scramble eggs, with tomato?

๐Ÿฅช We have a lot of this shrimp + Clam bags. The outside dining option very expensive, and they only give you how many. You could have the whole pot, and the bags, the full containers the shrimp.

๐Ÿฅช Zawanna says has to be the lobsters? 

๐Ÿฅช Funny thing, that one bakery called "Happiness Farm Land", its where your some ciabatta similar filling bread might be found. Soften, most Asian bread are truly white white white soft bread. Nothing like the Italian bread.

๐Ÿฅช Not the sugary snack, there are some there. Different plain stuffs to eat. 

The bank avenue, I can tell now, those are all design diets for people like them all.  

๐Ÿฅช Tea stain your teeth. You like the tea?

๐Ÿฅช Every time I rehearsal these food planning, I keep blanking out, what supposed to be put inside other people's mouth. 

I think Casserole, Pizza, Pod with more cheese in it like the Pizza Plant, with some long white grain rice, with tiny decoration you don't eat veggie sounds like....everything you need with the gravy, or butter, or rasin, or mix nuts, or steam broccoli / califlouwer. 

You eat those things down, I make them. Those are the most simpler, I think everyone can eat it, I done that very easy. No complication at all. 

Some meat next by, small meat, so my pressure is not on.

Boiling a pasta, those are not the pressure. Pizza you already seeing them hundred times, the Pod, those Italian Pod, its the same dough, except you put layers cheese and veggie in it or meat. So you use more cheese.

With some White rice, and I input those eggs strips for the Sushi, I home made.

With a dozen boiled egg in the maple syrup + salt mixture 12 hours.

Triple them amount, like you eating small tiny each portion, 3 days you eating the exactly the same things. I give you soy sauce for a change or Salsa Sauce. 

I don't even eating Salsa sauce myself.  Its for your Pod. rather than the Tomato Sauce.  Or chips.

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