
oh no! The girls you need to stay away from the bread, white bread, pasta, cheese, diary, milk, sugar, salt, spicy....rice, gluten rice, eggs.....meats.

Your entire waist line below, living in any other climate other than my latitude in Taiwan, its freezing too cold on wind blow to your shrinking body system. Remember some women has the migrant?

Your entire pelvic bone below required nothing but keep washing, soaking, externally

Drinking juice, and flushing enough kidney, then one day you keep doing that liver detxo + gallbladder, The guys get a lot of allergy +pimpo too. BUT, they never affect their below empty exactly no system like the girls.

They get the colon warning correct. They are dirty human at and they put the meat inside their mouth and get fat too. The meat are very very very dirty.


The Girls

You better just quit eating, and learning some bone ideas, seeing enough doctors, as you invest on yourself. Your entire system, as how these ET design or God design you. Its tooooooooo Karmically tie. I will tell you that. You will not reading any book on that.

You are sinful, that is why it becoming like that every single moon cycle. Its very very rigid system. Your thought, its inside your blood river. That blood stream, you mean Ph is??? sour, less than 7. You are not built up internal, what that Bible tiny you say you do, you deliver you must. Things in this world are not just grabbing the attention for saying, that is whom, this is what. You let go the whole world if you must, its because its for the sake for the better humanity you don't go and interfere it. 

When I used to saying, that is one simple life. Still....it takes works to do all that. Right now its worsen, I just tie myself to the bathing hour, the bathing powder. If I have to work out 194 country, I still bathing none stop. Right now are not those hectic schedule. 

The most experts on that field will be the guy. Those guys are very very very very harsh on the certain condition called parasitic, parasites. They study all kinds and they telling people about them on the site to read about. Whom is your best friend? 

You know what the parasites are breathing on, live on? Sip through the brain to stuck at the brain vessel? Clinically on the film inside the hospital? Big White Worm?

If your brain clot at the vessel? You stroke ! 


Get Old

You know how expensive one day to getting really really really really old. Its best you just confess to all these guys before I Anna wave them, you kneel, bow, promise to them what you will ever do. 

Because I will personally telling you, why those upper sphere guys if they are UFO. They are not UFO UB Seth. That is a human from the Earth, from you UB.

When evolved guys telepathy as the born instinct...and they know or they are Gods. oh My god, you gonna tel the Court otherwise. I laugh.

You saying the Earth guys are not the God? Every book telling you what the basic definition in Greek to that UFO terms coming from. The guys always just know they are God, the worsen human being you don't want to be with ! Remember?

You will go to hell, if they wave you into hell !!! Try not to be that stupid ~~and quit eating !!!

You are hopeless, you are so destine to end up in hell, I am telling you. 

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