
The AMerica Supreme Court - I need one case my money earn to pay at this time and future on Sariputra. Don’t care about the rest of the others. Him + his mom.

The money I need to make. When I get the money, I will get a company. I need something get done, I aim at 1000 years, 5000 years. You imagine that money just sitting there they coming it down. You may already have that data. You want to get paid and continue or I have to hire someone else?

What I want is I only need to compile the data only to enough time past, that’s as much as I can afford. But you will have sufficient amount data for the future. Just one him. 

I pay yearly. But if I have no more money you have to continue for yourself. Spin on him, the future. I can see from the TV what these all things I had says to you. You have a System by how long you open? He is those Top too. 

You can shift his expense to the System. He is. By longevity is one of the thing. It’s a picture book. On the left it’s one photo down with right it’s like …




I give you 1000 dollars per year. Wait …you go and get 10 dollar, 100 dollars bills. It’s by which paper you burn to ash, mix some water and drink down, to 1000 human. Here we sell those ghost paper you can burn some for the Queen? See if that works like the TV says 錦衣之下!

Wait…it’s 10 dollar to 100 human or 

100 dollars to 1000 or which ratio, it’s just a small tiny dollar bill is also a dollar-only bill.

Elsa may not have that tradition, we have that tradition. 

You need to dilute and then insert that one human back to dilution military formation, not clusters. You don’t need that much. Like 1:2000

Before the 5 Lords Reviews, it was a food time. I know roughly. My left over all those food.

If in the future has this again, you collect all the food, you gather take something down, because you have a situation, that’s why you gather. Sometimes those unknown. I never hear from the TV News so I assume the public health always just the modern science.

If something very very strange happens …then you do that.

I will send in some French fries. With some topping like hotel style, green onion with sour cream or what is that? Cheese or sour cream. Can you find out what was that?

You just take some and eat it down.

Other time if were plain French Fries, those are fine too in your norms, daily life. No ketchup. Just plain with salt. That hotel. Where you PC ends. It’s called GPS Cupertino inn. You walk all the way down on your right. That French fries. But that time don’t have topping. See what they have.

You are planning to train or really go on a procedure you wish they have a brain on the 5 Lords Reivews ? Or any Lords review?

Cheesecake Factory (with alcohol and eggs omelets included)

Sushi Japan restaurant 

Olive Garden 

What was I only told to go? Try to go that was one thing=one vegan donuts and one vendor Mexican food.

Milpitas one corner your very tall human exist, right next by Loving Hut. It’s a Eastern North China tradition. 

5 Star hotel Sacromento + 1500 per day near Hollywood very expensive high tech hotel. They use table order your Vermont hotel unlimited toiletry, sandle, robes….you have no shames like me, you keep ordering until the hotel calls you. It’s 5 each. Tooth paste, sandle, white robes ….shampoo, condition…..

It’s the airport GPS. They have a category. 

Hotel in-room service, not the 1st floor breakfast. Imagine how my money waste those time is there which Crown hotel near Silicon Valley on your left? Not Milipas I say last time? That’s a tower lockets elevator at night.

Suite. I know what they look like.

Milipas this name and there are mount sun behind I could see.

Is this the places at night your entire car windows all light, all 1st floor glasses building full lights at night?

Whole night including some street light?

Towards the loving hut, the air and population too thin.

Come to more human like school. Standard. You go to the human are. Sacromento hotel it’s right next by their city hall. It’s your flag at?

American Flag is good. Jason market sell blanket American flag. If you wrap around you sleep, that will sound right vocabulary. 

Sariputra you tell me how much, human fees, you dilute that maintenance fee everywhere. I just couldn’t think at the moment. 

Did you call FAFSA?

What you can do is, you have this statistic flyer no one filling in or yellow book on the grounds no one takes. You have enough for entire American land almost every house hold has a flyer or something a paint - Mose.

Is that educational department?

You prepare, not that you really know. It’s after shock. 

Did you keep recording your weather service? You can use that money let’s say, build a canvas shield wind, and see how it fallen, how fast and see how it lands your grounds has 10 direction message or you spin the ground none stop, every time the wind comes, it fallen that keep spinning buttom message board. 

You always meant you say the wind direction are predictable, but sometimes it just show up no direction. You expose yourself enough in the wind, you practically have no idea which wind turbine spin you in the middle of any upper air. It’s not like the weather forecast. 

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