
Six Lawsuit, you say once I becoming One Phone rules All, American military wants to pull out that Silicon Valley, not on purpose to hurt me. Meaning there are problems.

And 194 country can start their own country brand. But....when you want to do that, you need the communication laws, and the history.

The when the public communication, the public satellite, from the government to the private. We used to have only 3 TV channels here, but later becoming....superNova. SMTV also on the private satellites, just very very expensvie. To the resource most people need, its better they start those gigantic idea right in the America, that is what I will suggest, not anywhere else.

Not necessary America its everything better. Just I told you say.

The lawsuit could be that Google stays in the monopoly, has some what connection to the mliitary. And that is one thing most people should need, to that American mliitary in the ending result, not just now. But the future. 

You will need the military support to that local police station why your agenda are on the public mess wellness, not just run and goes, and doing the wrong things. Therefore....this lawsuit can support both.

Your American business conducting methods = democracy and transparent, including the military and court room drama. But you willing to step out, that is not on purpose to hurting me 1984.

I will tell you, no. They didn't do that on purpose to hurt me. There is a reason yes.

Like that Hope movie little guy, he did that.

I got was...a Pen. 

They probably didn't expect things will be that smooth, so you can lawsuit 7 8 9 on the evaluation for them on the last 40 years development.  You are just better than lawful than they were. They follow order, not they know how to put in the paper work format.

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