
No, this is what you say and do. You say....the expected date were told 2050, China were known to 2049.

But Anna is file-ing the lawsuit, she is doing all the dishes like the Contact (1997), including the Rudimentary subject she might even end up doing it that herself with or for the Flower Thousand Bones (2015), future or now.

With Slam Dunk, there is a TV, ending. Not the comic book, she never read it.

She says to us, the real legal Court in America is not sluggish, not even to say, these are just paper works, not the murder trial. So what they normally do, they don't wait 7 months to process. All the Paper works are file as it statues, including the back end the American Classify, that is a separate Department "When you dealing upon the Extraterrestrial, not Terrestrial Maps on the Grounds All Flags Nation Legal Matter", like the Man in Black. 

You say, Anna didn't stop file-ing, its just way too much. She already doesn't have a life, now she for sure has no more life until this got done, so the American court didn't really stop that, you can tell she didn't got stopped for keep file-ing. Therefore, the paper works can process, that doesn't mean the entire world has to live without the 4 bubble tea.

As for this Date 2050, or 2049,..we are in 2023. Anna says, or the Honorable Superior says, "Its go by per year, you have no more expected dates. Its go by every and per year ahead of us. Its way too much paper works to file, not that it cannot be processed. It can be processed and proceed too. It can. The American did. That is how they show up those black new design aircraft. They are prepared and its in the process too. "

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