
High school is only the beginning, you will not even know one tiny attitude on the TV, see how far someone can do,....all the way to buttom of the abyss.


Applause 1 mins to the New Couple!!!! Which music you like? 



Do you want to asking the airplane company on this miles in the cards? You can upgrade when you suffering enough on the long flight? 
You know that is looooooong miles, you can even have your entire family miles shrink into one flight next time.
When I get the resources, I ask the company for special account that One Trip, you all coming in. Its the same airport you landing. Its the International airport. 
Let me explain to you all UB 1000 human all around included
1. You get a company call regards to the fighting miles accumlation points to the family use for any long trips planning to Business Class.
2.  You get a business name thoroughly research

3. Real Estate research

4. UB communication to the Instant Librarian, or Pathfinder reading the links.

5. You looking around all this mapping points of the vincinity country, including the country name and flighting routes. 

6. Metro

7. Bus lines

You almost when you land here, its everything you know of. Not just you came in 100 times already.

5th Avenue are building that exactly huge building, not yet finished !

You all probably don't remember what you look like in that Youtuber Interface, like 劉沛 and Meghtan, in every 2 years all you playing game faces....how those years gone by. To the New Milenium Era, you dare to try, you dare to leave your legacy....imagination uncontained.

You should have ask harder on your both parents PCAT or MCAT scores, to someone heads without a container how that 97, 92 percentil + an invention, means anything your story board doesn't have a 52 weeks planning. 

TV Story, on your key in Language word in Chinese. Imagine I am the one key in.

SMTV, its called the Supreme Master Television. and what is this Zawanna meant where and which is building, must be me paying it for. How shameful, this entire world, they doing nothing but asking me to keep paying every money, just because it was a name, someone else making the money in China platform. 

I talk to Medical Board for a second.

I had a period yesterday 2 oclock afternoon. No more pain. But this is late. This month are horrenous, on every nerve extra, of chest that behind neck pain killer patched? Horrific month. The dentist taken my nerves out, its a brand new teeth there. Its fine. No pain period. Little bit discomfer, including the smell are almost reduced. I will tell you those birds they doing that including killing human, they can make it. Its in their pitches. 

Zawanna wants half. 

The entire business half. You know Classify? But they are bad guys, the birds say, Babaji says. I horrify it might be me what money. Oh no....not that. They can live forever, I am not even 40, saying they live in eternity, if they have money and business and gift in Casino?  You don't have a human doing the rudimentary to reach this far limites. 

I didn't use that name to have a rudimentary subjects this far. Flower Thousand Bone.

I didn't even lecture human why you only need to stay morally right. I already sent them into hell, don't bother using that name. Its someone else making the money, no shame. 

No, this street avenue are huge, you planning to coming? You should buy cars. You don't need to if you stay in where these area. But this avenue, for them....you enter the Asian Region of the Pacific. As for why? I don't really know. I know the math, not I know if the really exist when I was born, or after. My brother school pass there. I never pass there. I talked to the sigapore bank, they say they are there 40 years.



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