
You are planning what you can do to what you love to do. For example, my brain was airy in the University, certain nature like to invent, solve the puzzle = I love to be brain airy and invent

But every single thing I invent cannot pay the bill. That’s a reality, so how you approach to life? Sit there and cry?

None of that just being nature, not system talk. Someone lesson you no matter what that is in the public space, you listen and you learn. That’s a correct spirit to deal life, deal math, not the material wants, food want, sunk it spirits dragging everyone down wants. You becoming a criminal you go to jail. 

From the time right you are told it’s the legal battle on open the world up. To when that is done. You didn’t get cage in a system you adjust your attitude. Some, might have to wait a long time learning their life lessons so that maturity to be met.

You didn’t understand Alan Walker 2020 remix or what? The military order only restrain you to certain degree, for example the food and the attitude but those are not the free will. What you pine on what love, which guys of the guys, will be those independent, you compare and match, what the end day sees….

Long far gone evolution. 

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